Welcome to Telegram bot
What is Telegram bot? How does it work? ✔️ What is Telegram bot? Telegram bot allows you to forward Telegram chats to the connected Discord channel and use it as your customer support bot. Main features Each chat from the Telegram bot appears in a new threSome readersGetting started with Telegram bot
To connect Telegram bot to your Discord channel, follow these steps: You need to create your Telegram bot (if you already have a bot, move to the next step). So, go to your Telegram -open https://t.me/BotFather. Here you can create and manage your telegram bots. Click on Start -in the appeared list and click on the /newbot command. Choose theSome readersFrequently asked questions - Telegram
the What if a customer replies to an old thread? Does your bot store messages? If my customer uses an attachment in the message, will I see it in my Discord channel? Why my Telegram avatar is not displayed in Discord? (1-why-my-telegram-avatar-is-Few readers