Product Workflows
Product Workflows
In this article:
What are the Product workflows?
1. Get notified of the inventory lack and hide products that are out of stock
2. Organize new products by title and type
3. Tag orders that contain products with specific tags
4. Delete the product that is out of stock and create a redirect
5. Automatically set product metafield when it is added to store
✔️ What are the Product workflows?
Products are the key elements that attract customers to your store. To enhance their experience, you should offer a well-organized, easy-to-navigate product catalog, sorted by categories. It's also important to notify customers about new products, promote items, and track inventory. Product workflows are designed to simplify and automate these processes, making them more efficient.
Get notified of the inventory lack and hide products that are out of stock
When the inventory item is low, we need to know about it to restock it with the new products. Let's do this following the next steps:
Start with the Inventory quantity changed the trigger.
Set the Position condition to verify if this product is the 31st in the item list → and if the total inventory quantity is less than or equal to 30.
Then, we should end this workflow by adding the low stock tag and sending an email.

When the product has run out of stock, we need to hide it from our store page → Select the Total inventory condition which is less than or equal to 0.
Add the final action - Hide product.

Organize new products by title and type
There can be a lot of different products that differ in type or title. In the next workflow, we are going to organize them by these two parameters.
Select the Product added to store trigger.
Add the Title condition that includes title "shoes"
Add the "shoes" tag and add this product to collection. Click the Select collections button and check the box in the list. If there are such products with this title they will be automatically tagged and added to the appropriate collection with the similar products.

We can do the same things for the product type. Select the Product type condition → set the necessary type that is in your store (in our case, we set "ring")
Add the "ring" product tag
Add it to the collection that contains similar products

Tag orders that contain products with specific tags
If you need to detect the orders with specific products (e.g., you want to track the frequency of orders for a certain product), you can do this by tagging the orders that contain particular product tags.
Select the Order created trigger
Set the condition that verifies if there is a product tag → Select the Tag condition → set Any of "jeans" and "shirt"
Add a necessary tag to this order

Delete the product that is out of stock and create a redirect
When a product is out of stock, we can delete it and redirect our customer to the store page with the similar product.
So, add the Product added to store trigger
Next, set the Product type condition → is equal to the necessary product type
Set a delay of 14 days
Create a redirect URL to direct customer to another store page
Hide this product from the store

Automatically set product metafield when it is added to store
To save the time, we can add a metafield to a new product and it will be automatically set to each new product with the necessary type.
Start with the Product added to store trigger
Verify its product type
Add the necessary metafield to this product

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Updated on: 28/11/2024
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