Articles on: React Flow

Scheduled triggers in React Flow

Scheduled triggers in React Flow

In this article:
Scheduled triggers in React Flow
Steps to create workflow with Scheduled triggers
The result of the workflow

✔️ Scheduled triggers in React Flow

React Flow allows users to create scheduled workflows. It means that some actions will automatically be performed at the scheduled time and period.
To do this, you need to use Scheduled triggers.

Let's consider the situation.
You want to receive a product sales report by selected time period to an email address. Let's set up such a workflow in the application.

✔️ Steps to create workflow with scheduled triggers

Step 1.

You need to click on Create new -> and Create from scratch.​​

Then choose one of two triggers in our case we should select Time of week - so this workflow starts at scheduled time of the week. For example, at 9.00 on Monday. Select these parameters in the appropriate fields.

Select trigger

Step 2.
Add action. Select from the drop down list Send products sales report.

Step 3.
Customize the field on the right and choose Date range

Step 4.
Name your workflow and click Save button.

✔️ The result of the workflow

By choosing this action. You will start a workflow that will send Products sales report every Monday without your intervention.
Use Scheduled triggers to automate processes in your store and save time for important things.

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Updated on: 10/06/2024

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